Bridal is one of Octium’s most significant bespoke tendencies, including services of outstanding original creations, redesign and restoration.

Once-in-a-lifetime, one-of-a-kind describes the jewelry the bride and groom wear to express their personalities and the gravity of the occasion for this key moment in time. Haute couture at its finest, Octium delivers a truly tailor-made experience in the most indulgent, innovative way—unmatched in the region as a House of Jewelry Design. Personal and powerful in expression, the jewelry chosen for the celebration of marriage is as important as the rings that symbolize the commitment pledged that one day in time.

Consistent is a quest for quality, craftsmanship, and unique design that is effortless to wear. Our bespoke services take brides, grooms and their families on a journey of creative exploration. A collaborative process, Octium translates client concepts in the context of the brand’s design sensibilities and signature style. A singular fête, the expression of marriage and its symbolism are unlike that of any other couple. The occasion presents opportunity for a bride to create heirloom pieces in a signature collection iconic to her personality and style.

From jewelry renderings to product packaging, every nuance of the bespoke experience is focused on detail and delight.